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Informative following article 13 D.LGS. 196-30/06/2003 and the GDPR (EU) 2016/679
Pursuant to art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 et n. 679/2016 – GDPR we inform you that the personal information you supplied voluntarily when sending us your enquiry about IST’s products/services will be processed via, among others, electronic/ telematic database means for management, statistical and/or commercial purposes concerning the following types of products/services: software and electronics. The personal information you supplied may be processed for the above purposes also via telefax, telephone (with or without the intermediation of an operator), electronic mail, and other IT/automated communication systems. You are entitled to obtain information about the presence, content and origin of your personal information at all times, verify their correctness or ask for integration, updating, or rectification pursuant to art. 7 of the Italian Legislative Decree # 196/2003 and n. 679/2016 – GDPR. As provided by the same article, you are also entitled to ask for cancellation, conversion into an anonymous form or blocking of your personal information. The Personal Information Controller is IST SRL with registered offices in Viale G. Leopardi 10, Udine (Italy), legally represented by Ms. Rasskazova Elizaveta. Your personal information will be stored in IST’s offices located in Viale G. Leopardi 10, Udine (Italy). For the full text of the Legislative Decree #196/2003 and n. 679/2016 please visit the website For enquiries and/or queries please contact: IST SRL, Viale G. Leopardi 10, Udine (Italy).


IST srl

Viale G. Leopardi, 10
33100 – Udine

Phone: +39 0432 481598
